Subculture research paper


In this essay I researched Samoan culture as an outsider. I was very interested in the culture and never quite learned about it. This was a very interesting essay to do because many of the things they did I would usually perceive as abnormal or weird but after doing research I understand

                The subculture I choose to learn about is the Samoan subculture. I was very interested in this subculture initially because of the tattoos. I really liked how they look and after doing some research I learned that they actually have meaningful value to the people and they are very symbolic. Samoan people are from the Samoan islands who are mainly Polynesian and speak the Samoan language. The clothes they wear are very different from the clothes I am used to seeing. A Puletsi is a traditional dress that Samoan women wear. Lava Lava is another piece of traditional clothing that is worn by men and women in formal occasions. It is a piece of clothing that is wrapped around the body. 98% of Samoan’s are Christian and wear special or formal clothes. Samoan tattoos or as they are called in Samoa, “tatau” are usually pretty large and are made of different patterns to represent different things. Some examples of what they represent are, community, power, status, respect, honor, and pride. Samoans usually get their tataus when they are maturing. It is meant to be a message to their community that they are entering adulthood. The tattoos are very painful so people are accepting of you maturing and entering adulthood. The tattoo is performed by hand with mainly natural material. The symbols used in tataus are mainly symbols found in nature such as the sun, flowers, and feathers. An example of a common pattern that is used is shark teeth. It is meant to represent protection because sharks are very powerful. The sun tatau represents leadership and eternal life. Overall this tells me that Samoans are very connected with nature because they use nature as their symbols in such a sacred tradition.

               I think this also shows that Samoans are proud people. They are proud of their heritage, culture, and traditions.


The Somaon culture is heavily focused on family, community and church, which means they are very religious. Another part of Samoan culture that I found interesting is that traditional Samoan houses don’t have any walls. They are open from the side and are supported by columns and a roof. I think the purpose of this is that people are encouraged to be connected with people they live near and the community as a whole. The openness of the homes show how strong the relationship of the community is and the wholeness of it. These homes were also places where large groups of people came together and people built bonds. In Samoa, there isn’t really a city, and Samoans mostly lived in coastal villages.


             When doing research and learning about the Samoan culture, I think the main thing I realized was interesting about them is how connected they are. Samoans have a great bond and their community seems very whole. Being from the United States, in comparison I think we are very separated and a lot of us don’t share the same values as the next person. I also think that their connection with nature is something that I don’t see very often and can definitely be something that can create joy in people’s lives and other amazing benefits. Samoans have great pride in where they are from and I think that is part of what makes them unique. 

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